Label: "fuel price"

July 22, 2024 15:12

Fuel prices to be lowered in Hungary

On Tuesday

Árzuhanás jön a benzinkutakon
July 19, 2024 11:23

Wholesale fuel prices go slightly down again on Saturday

The fresh data came in

July 17, 2024 11:10

Wholesale fuel prices drop further in Hungary on Thursday

But there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the actual price changes at pumps

benzin_5 régióshoz
July 16, 2024 08:34

Fuel prices slightly lowered in Hungary on Tuesday

Petrol price falls by 2 forints, diesel by 3

July 09, 2024 08:43

EcoMin holds another round of talks with fuel trader representatives over the retail prices

The proposals will be considered, the threat remains

July 08, 2024 09:20

Hungary's inflation outlook getting brighter

Services are becoming more expensive, but forecasts are still being revised downwards

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
July 05, 2024 09:06

Viktor Orbán on fuel prices: "we will not say it twice, the agreement must be respected!"

The Prime Minister gave his weekly Kossuth Radio interview

July 04, 2024 08:55

Hungarian fuel prices keep on rising - Is state intervention imminent?

Economy Minister talks about fuel prices again

July 03, 2024 11:02

Fuel prices to change in Hungary on Thursday

State intervention looms

June 26, 2024 12:10

Petrol prices rise again from Thursday

Diesel will remain unchanged

June 24, 2024 10:11

Fuel prices to be raised again in Hungary

For the 6th time in 12 days

June 10, 2024 09:54

Hungary's inflation rose but came in lower than expected in May

Slight decrease on a monthly, increase on a yearly basis

May 10, 2024 08:30

Disinflation is over for a while in Hungary

Price index rises in April, breaking 14-month streak

Benzin, Gázolaj
May 08, 2024 08:35

EcoMin Márton Nagy: We expect a competitive fuel price level from now on

Hungarian prices compared to those of neighbouring countries

April 23, 2024 10:40

Hungarian fuel prices: no one is right when looked at from all sides

Is there a need for another price freeze?

nagy marton
April 08, 2024 13:47

Hungary EcoMin summons Mol execs over high fuel prices

Hungary no longer in middle of CEE price rankings

April 08, 2024 11:31

Fuel prices to be raised in Hungary again

On Wednesday

nagy marton
March 12, 2024 12:04

Hungary Economy Minister talks about fuel prices

Market being watched very closely

March 11, 2024 09:52

Price of petrol to go slightly up in Hungary on Wednesday

Diesel prices will remain the same